Then, out of nowhere, I read an article about three black women who own a total of 18 McDonald's restaurants. One is the mother. The other two are her daughters. Initially, I beamed with pride. Wow. Black women doing their thing.
Then, I looked on social media. The comments ranged from, "Go girls!" to "Sell out!" I was confused. But when I looked closer at the comments, I was surprised by the number of people who feel that these women, no matter how successful, are doing their culture an injustice by selling foods to a demographic that statistically, keeps them ill with disease and obesity.
One commenter was unequivocally upset pointing out, "That's not something to be proud of. Feeding rubbish to our people. This is why folks are obese, have high blood pressure, or are suffering from diabetes. Who posted this? Why? Trippin." At first I thought, no worries, I'll change the menu and be the most different McDonald's there is on the planet!
Then I saw this: "McDonald’s has the worst food out of all the fast food chains. They own a franchise, do you know what that means? That’s means they follow what the corporation tells them to do. They can’t stop using the same “meat” that all the stores use, the same meat that is packaged from corporate. They can’t stop using the coated French fries that everyone tends to love. They can’t do their own promotional tactics and so forth. So it's dope that they own franchises, but they’re still working under the corporation and if the corporation isn’t liking how your numbers are doing they can cut you off completely."
And finally, "You blame the dealer rather than the junkie that can't control their habits."
And that was a "drops mic." So I'm back to square one with a lot of thinking to do. A lot of people are not happy about this. What does your moral compass point to?
Read the commentary above, then comment intelligently.
1. INCLUDE: First initial AND last name AND class period.
2. Respond in no more than 10 sentences and no less than five.
3. You MUST respond to at least TWO other posts from any student. Your replies cannot be identical comments on different posts and posting shallow comments such as "I agree" or "I disagree" will earn you a zero. Make sure your reply addresses the comment that you are responding to.
Be sure to--
- Be clear about your position
- Provide specific support for your argument
- Use rhetorical devices and other grammar elements
- Write EPIC Content-Engaging, Powerful, Informative, Creative
CAUTION!! Do NOT embarrass me, yourself, your class, the English department, the school or your parents with tasteless, meaningless comments. This is for a grade.
DISCLAIMER: If you do not respond AND comment on TWO others, you will not receive credit for this assignment. It's all or nothing.
Due: Fri., Jan. 11, 2019 11:59 p.m. CST