As a free-thinking teacher, I want to impress upon my students the importance of being true to who they are at all appropriate, non-threatening, non-defiant ways while simultaneously acknowledging alternate perspectives that arise. With that in mind, when I teach, having the freedom to explore a myriad of literature and literary writers give me the opportunity to take chances on my students and their ability to think.
Being able to explore their thoughts, without abandon, gives students the confidence to express those thoughts without being ashamed to answer aloud or pose thought-provoking questions that promote deeper thinking or bring clarity. In the classroom, this freedom makes our discussions deeper, our real-world connections more authentic, our reading more viable and our writing more in-depth.
Granted, at times, some topics can become challenging to discuss or read because students are not yet used to the freedom they have to be open and honest with their conversations or thoughts. Yet, my hope is that the more literature we explore, the more walls and inhibitions can be imploded as it relates to unabashed curiosity and questioning in literature.
So, with unadulterated freedom to teach from my Spirit, I have made it a practice to model how to write, speak, read, believe, create, express, choose, communicate, and especially, think freely. Since doing so, my lesson plan designing is more intentional and meaningful to help promote the growth of my students, a more important gesture than how high their grades are because what I am preparing them for is the real world. Without shock. Without superficial expectation.
Ultimately, people need exposure. Unfortunately, living in safe zones is what make people more prone to anxiety and uncertainty. School is, and should be, the one safe space where students cultivate to create in their minds that there is no opposition to what they believe or how they feel regardless of their values or conditions.
My hope is that, if I am successful in how I teach literature, I will be a small factor in the life-long evolution of future entrepreneurs, ARTpreneurs, CEOs, moguls, gurus and teachers. My freedom will be imprinted.
Read the commentary above. Let me know what you think!
1. INCLUDE: First initial AND last name AND class period.
2. Respond in no more than 10 sentences and no less than five.
3. You MUST respond to at least TWO other posts from any student. Your replies cannot be identical comments on different posts and posting shallow comments such as "I agree" or "I disagree" will earn you a zero. Make sure your reply addresses the comment that you are responding to.
Be sure to--
- Be clear about your position
- Provide specific support for your argument
- Use rhetorical devices and other grammar elements
- Write EPIC Content-Engaging, Powerful, Informative, Creative
CAUTION!! Do NOT embarrass me, yourself, your class, the English department, the school or your parents with tasteless, meaningless comments. This is for a grade.
DISCLAIMER: If you do not respond AND comment on TWO others, you will not receive credit for this assignment. It's all or nothing.
Due: Fri., Dec. 14, 2018 11:59 p.m. CST