Instructions: Explain your expectations about your first year out of high school. What will you do differently now that the time is reality? What will you do different from your peers or someone in your family? How will you map out the quality of your life?
1-Write three (3) paragraphs.
2-Use literary devices, explicitly. (Ex: See Tools & News)
3-Pay attention to your voice, tone, structure, transitions, characterization, storyline/plot and setting.
4-Write in complete sentences and be descriptive.
5-Use academic language to write grammatically correct.
6-Think about what you are going to write.
7-Use every element of grammar I've taught you this year.
8-Write EPIC Content (Engaging, Powerful, Informative, Creative).
Deadline-Nov. 22, 2013 11:59 p.m. CST