Finish this story (but read "The Catch" below first):
The Catch:
1. INCLUDE: Nick Name AND Class Block.
2. You can only write nine (9) words. Respond in no more than nine (9) words and no less than nine (9) words.
3. Your nine words cannot be the same or close to what someone else wrote. (See example below)
4. The story has to be a complete thought. It's a 18-word story. I've given you the beginning in nine (9) words. Now, you have to write the middle and ending in nine (9) words only!
5. You DO NOT have to respond to other stories.
Okay: You must write an original nine words that come from your imagination.
Not Okay: You must write nine words from your own imagination so get busy.
Those two sentences sound alike so the second one is not acceptable. So in other words, do not rearrange someone else's words. Use your own thinking, imagination and critical thinking skills to add your own words.
CAUTION!! Do NOT embarrass me, yourself, your class, the English department, the school, your family or your upbringing with tasteless, meaningless comments. This is for a grade.
DISCLAIMER: If you do not respond AND comment on TWO others, you will not receive credit for this assignment. It's all or nothing.
WARNING: If you post even one second past midnight, your comment might appear to be posted, but as soon as it is opened to be graded, it will automatically delete.
Due Fri., October 1, 2021 11:59 p.m. ICT