Then, I think about Robert Sylvester Kelly and how he did the exact opposite of Dr. King when it comes to protecting little girls.
I'm biased. Period. So, let me start this post with, “I always thought Kels was trash." Me too Questlove. I never have been crazy about the over-the-top bravado in his throat when he sings. Nevertheless, I was compelled to talk about this article that I read in a national news publication about celebrity opinions on the entire ordeal.
According to Chance the Rapper, “We’re programmed to really be hypersensitive to black male oppression." Priceless! This is why so many black women and men can still support R. Kelly. And singer, songwriter, record producer, actor and dancer, Ne-Yo says what I believe it is past time for someone to have stepped up and said.
“Music is important. It really is. But it’s not more important than protecting our children, protecting our little girls. Period." What he's saying is Kelly's art imitates his life! (Go be cool with that), but that still does not justify supporting his wrongdoings.
“We’ve all been inspired by this man. We’ve all been witnesses to his musical genius. We have shaped and molded talent we sign after his musical image. We’ve invested so much of ourselves into this man that it’s hard for us to let go. I no longer have that issue.”
Thank you Tank. No one should. And and for those who are bird box blinded by his light and dollar signs. "There has to be a line drawn. Enough has to be enough at some point," says Tank.
Finally, for everyone slobbering about "where were the parents?" of all those young girls. While they do have major responsibility in all this, unless you were and had the Knowles clout to be a presence in that snake pit studio, Kelly's "compound" was iron-clad with goons. Broke, generic parents were not going to have access to the area, let alone their girls. Period.
Finally, Aaliyah's mama needs to sit all the way down! Destiny's children were in the same sex-slaved studio, recording their music too, but Daddy Knowles said even when Destiny's children had to use the restroom, they walked them there. So if Aaliyah's mama wasn't there doing that, or at the ceremony when her daughter was getting married and someone was forging her a fake age, she needs to stop with the "I was always around" song. She was probably getting paid like the rest.
It's sad that little girls get taken advantage by older men all the time. But I remember a time when all the grown men I knew protected little girls from all the predators of the world, even when they were not their daughters. I wish we could get back to that. Girls are pretty awesome, but not for the pleasure of someone who they should be able to look up to.
Read the commentary above, then comment intelligently, academically and with fidelity.
2. Respond in no more than 10 sentences and no less than five.
3. You MUST respond to at least TWO other posts from any student. Your replies cannot be identical comments on different posts and posting shallow comments such as "I agree" or "I disagree" will earn you a zero. Make sure your reply addresses the comment that you are responding to.
Be sure to--
- Be clear about your position
- Provide specific support for your argument
- Use rhetorical devices and other grammar elements
- Write EPIC Content-Engaging, Powerful, Informative, Creative
CAUTION!! Do NOT embarrass me, yourself, your class, the English department, the school or your parents with tasteless, meaningless comments. This is for a grade.
DISCLAIMER: If you do not respond AND comment on TWO others, you will not receive credit for this assignment. It's all or nothing.
Due: Fri., Jan. 18, 2019 11:59 p.m. CST