Today, the Internet and social media shapes society’s interactions with others. If you blog, tweet, post, share or have ever sent an email or text, you have an online presence.
However, did you know, you can make the most of your online presence to help in your job search, market yourself or your business, profile your art, get noticed by colleges, social organizations and more? Guess how—create a digital portfolio!
Instead of the wear-your-badge-and-uniform-then-sit-down-and-be-quiet-in-class student some of you struggle to be on a daily basis, you can now highlight who you really are—your strengths, your talents, your accomplishments, and most importantly, your dreams and all that you hope to become! With this project, you can be as creative as you've ever imagined you'd like to be in a classroom!
Below, you will find the guidelines for not only your Digital Portfolio but for an entire portfolio packet that you can use and update as you need to for the rest of your life!
However, did you know, you can make the most of your online presence to help in your job search, market yourself or your business, profile your art, get noticed by colleges, social organizations and more? Guess how—create a digital portfolio!
Instead of the wear-your-badge-and-uniform-then-sit-down-and-be-quiet-in-class student some of you struggle to be on a daily basis, you can now highlight who you really are—your strengths, your talents, your accomplishments, and most importantly, your dreams and all that you hope to become! With this project, you can be as creative as you've ever imagined you'd like to be in a classroom!
Below, you will find the guidelines for not only your Digital Portfolio but for an entire portfolio packet that you can use and update as you need to for the rest of your life!
Digital Portfolio Specs
You are required to create a digital portfolio. This portfolio will be a culmination of all the prose and poetry you've written this school year, so far. You will also include samples from your daily work. From Bell Ringers, Classwork and Group Work, to Quick Writes, NaNoWriMo, reading, prompts, etc., show who you are and how you have grown as a writer.
1. Materials/Tools. Choose a web site builder or other social media platform you will use. These are FREE.
2. Specs. Your domain MUST BE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME ONLY! Nicknames, or names that would be deemed inappropriate, are not allowed! Your digital portfolio must include the following information in this order:
Home: about me, basic intro information.
Poetry: Original poetry*
Prose: original writings, short stories, quick writes, bell ringers, other long-form writings
Musings: Mind Maps, artwork, photos, videos, any other creative notions and works you have
Reflections: Write brief reflections of the following. Be sure your reflections answer the following questions:
End of Year Reflection: Reread your Goal Setting Essay and write a brief, but detailed End of Year Reflection that answers the following questions (make sure it is written in paragraph form, not question and answer form).
Academics: OPTIONAL; not required
Contact Me: use a form only. DO NOT include your personal information
3. Really Good Traditional and Creative Examples
4. Site Map. Your site map is the blueprint for your website. Click here for an example.
You are required to create a digital portfolio. This portfolio will be a culmination of all the prose and poetry you've written this school year, so far. You will also include samples from your daily work. From Bell Ringers, Classwork and Group Work, to Quick Writes, NaNoWriMo, reading, prompts, etc., show who you are and how you have grown as a writer.
1. Materials/Tools. Choose a web site builder or other social media platform you will use. These are FREE.
- Weebly (use your Gmail address. If not, you'll lose your portfolio when you graduate.)
- Google Sites
- WordPress
- YouTube
- Other
2. Specs. Your domain MUST BE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME ONLY! Nicknames, or names that would be deemed inappropriate, are not allowed! Your digital portfolio must include the following information in this order:
Home: about me, basic intro information.
- Who are you?
- Where are you from?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- What else should your audience know about you?
Poetry: Original poetry*
- These examples should come from your poetry projects (choose your best three)
Prose: original writings, short stories, quick writes, bell ringers, other long-form writings
- Goal Setting Essay*
- One Writer's Response from any quarter
- Excerpt from your NaNoWriMo Final Draft
- Persuasive Essay*
- Personal Narrative Essay
Musings: Mind Maps, artwork, photos, videos, any other creative notions and works you have
- One Pager
- An analysis of any text we've read
- An analysis of your entire school experience
- Any TWO Tasks (2-7) from the Memoir Reading Unit*
- Persuasive Speech Video*
- Book Talk Video*
Reflections: Write brief reflections of the following. Be sure your reflections answer the following questions:
- A specific project or academic accomplishment
- Personal goal and accomplishment
- Personal quirk that makes me who I am
- Extracurricular Activity (at school or outside of school)
- A favorite book, story, poem or other text read from this school year
- A topic that engages my intellectual curiosity
- A creative piece from this school year
- Hybrid Learning and other experiences from the pandemic
- Where I see myself in 5, 10, and 20 years
- What are your strengths?
- What are your challenges?
- If you could work on any writing, what would you write?
End of Year Reflection: Reread your Goal Setting Essay and write a brief, but detailed End of Year Reflection that answers the following questions (make sure it is written in paragraph form, not question and answer form).
- Have you accomplished the goals you set for yourself? Why or why not?
- Are you satisfied with your performance this school year? Why or why not?
- What (if anything) will you do differently next year?
Academics: OPTIONAL; not required
- You may use this space to share any academic awards or achievements that you are especially proud of, such as Honors Certificates, etc.
Contact Me: use a form only. DO NOT include your personal information
3. Really Good Traditional and Creative Examples
- Phak-Hom
- Mulan
- Noy Noy
- Sinny
- Miumiu Yangvanich
- Samanthas Portfolio
- Christopher Zheng
- delmetria millener
- Bleed on Paper
- Alexis Roberson
4. Site Map. Your site map is the blueprint for your website. Click here for an example.
*Indicates future assignment.
Do's and Don'ts
1. Personal Information. Other than your name, do not put any personal information on your site (i.e., birthdates, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.)
2. Copyrights. Do not use anyone's work, name, including classmates or images without permission and credit.
3. Professionalism. This is your portfolio for the world to see. Make sure it is a digital representation of exactly who you are. I should be able to look just at your portfolio and be able to determine whether you're creative, academic, into the arts, serious, etc., without you having to tell me. To that end, you will use this portfolio, not just for a class assignment, but for life, so it should look and "sound" like it. With that being said, avoid putting phrases like, "Creative Writing Class Assignment" or "English Class Assignment" as a title, etc.
4. Necessity. Whether you realize it or not, writing is found in every discipline and in the workplace, if you are an engineer, a businessperson, a scientist or other professional, you will be called upon to write proposals, bids, ads, grants and other documents, in order to raise funds, win a contract, get equipment for your laboratory, etc.
5. Creative Writing. When writing academically, you still want your work to be interesting and engaging for your audience. So how does creative writing factor into the above? Writing phrases like, "You be the voice. We'll be the microphone," is much more persuasive and effective in grabbing and holding your audience's attention than, "We publish teen writers." Using those two metaphors in such an easy, uncomplicated way, makes readers want to learn more about who you are or what you do.
1. Personal Information. Other than your name, do not put any personal information on your site (i.e., birthdates, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.)
2. Copyrights. Do not use anyone's work, name, including classmates or images without permission and credit.
3. Professionalism. This is your portfolio for the world to see. Make sure it is a digital representation of exactly who you are. I should be able to look just at your portfolio and be able to determine whether you're creative, academic, into the arts, serious, etc., without you having to tell me. To that end, you will use this portfolio, not just for a class assignment, but for life, so it should look and "sound" like it. With that being said, avoid putting phrases like, "Creative Writing Class Assignment" or "English Class Assignment" as a title, etc.
4. Necessity. Whether you realize it or not, writing is found in every discipline and in the workplace, if you are an engineer, a businessperson, a scientist or other professional, you will be called upon to write proposals, bids, ads, grants and other documents, in order to raise funds, win a contract, get equipment for your laboratory, etc.
5. Creative Writing. When writing academically, you still want your work to be interesting and engaging for your audience. So how does creative writing factor into the above? Writing phrases like, "You be the voice. We'll be the microphone," is much more persuasive and effective in grabbing and holding your audience's attention than, "We publish teen writers." Using those two metaphors in such an easy, uncomplicated way, makes readers want to learn more about who you are or what you do.
Things to Consider
1. Time/Project Management. Where and when are you going to work on the project? How are you going to manage your time to create written and visual texts to meet your due date? You will need access to computers and anything else you think you will need.
2. Evaluation. The journey to a place is always more interesting than actually getting there. Make this project your final journey to your destination—a new chapter in your life. Take a creative approach by adding links, images (digital and hand-drawn), videos, etc., to make your online presence stand out. Have fun! Don't think outside the box...think as if there is no box!
1. Time/Project Management. Where and when are you going to work on the project? How are you going to manage your time to create written and visual texts to meet your due date? You will need access to computers and anything else you think you will need.
2. Evaluation. The journey to a place is always more interesting than actually getting there. Make this project your final journey to your destination—a new chapter in your life. Take a creative approach by adding links, images (digital and hand-drawn), videos, etc., to make your online presence stand out. Have fun! Don't think outside the box...think as if there is no box!
Presentation Requirements
You'll be rated on your project and "watch party" based on the metrics outlined in these rubrics: