"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." So, don't be the same. Be BETTER!
Name: delmetria millener
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.EnglishFury.com
Remind: @SMU2020
Course: English Literature & Composition
Supplemental Material will be used for the summer program such as worksheets and PowerPoint presentations and this class website.
Students are expected to attend, participate in classroom discussions, complete daily assignments. Students will be held accountable for utilizing Remind and our class website. Respect yourself and others. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Grading Policy:
Course Objectives:
By the end of the summer, students should be able to:
Name: delmetria millener
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.EnglishFury.com
Remind: @SMU2020
Course: English Literature & Composition
- Canvas Introduction
- Course Pre-test
Supplemental Material will be used for the summer program such as worksheets and PowerPoint presentations and this class website.
- Composition Notebook
- Pencil(s)
- Literary Texts (provided)
- Supplemental Material (provided)
Students are expected to attend, participate in classroom discussions, complete daily assignments. Students will be held accountable for utilizing Remind and our class website. Respect yourself and others. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Grading Policy:
- 10%-Classroom Activities
- 15%-Assignments (CW/HW)
- 25%-Reading Logs
- 25%-Midterm
- 25%-Final
Course Objectives:
By the end of the summer, students should be able to:
- Analyze written text to identify and analyze literary devices.
- Demonstrate an understanding of syntax to write well-developed content.
- Generate new vocabulary words in the proper context.
- Analyze societal and ethical issues through the critique of literature.
- Examine human experiences in literature and connect them to global issues.
- Spiral technology as a learning tool to enhance research skills.
- Develop critical thinking skills to improve inferencing and writing.
- Synthesize and apply the creative and critical thinking skills to generate new ideas, overcome roadblocks, develop innovative solutions and solve problems.
Academic Honesty Policy
Principled students act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
Academic Honesty is considered in the broadest sense as the production of academic material without cheating, lying, stealing or the inappropriate help of others (collusion) or using any source of information not appropriately attributed (plagiarism).
Academic honesty means that one’s own work is authentic and not a reproduction of other people’s work or ideas. Plagiarism, collusion, duplication and falsification is defined in the following ways:
For this class, students strive to embody the characteristics ascribed by standards of integrity. This academic honesty policy was created around that attribute. In particular, I encourage my students to be:
All students should:
All teachers should:
Consequences of Academic Malpractice
I will inform the College Access Program Director and Coordinator if I suspect any malpractice in relation to a student's work. In such cases, an investigation will be conducted and provide the director and coordinator with relevant documentation concerning the case. If malpractice is suspected or the teacher has reason to believe that academic dishonesty has occurred, the following steps will be taken:
1. The teacher will communicate the outcome of his/her investigation to the Coordinator.
2. The student will receive no credit for the assignment in question and will be invited, through the Coordinator, to present a written explanation or defense. Then, disciplinary consequence will be enacted by the Coordinator.
3. Consequences for academic malpractice range from the student earning a zero on the work involved to immediate dismissal from the College Access Program, depending on the severity of the infraction.
4. After reviewing all evidence collected during the investigation, the Coordinator will decide whether to dismiss the allegation, uphold it, or ask for further investigation to be made. If the Coordinator deems evidence of malpractice insufficient, the allegation will be dismissed and a grade will be awarded in the normal way.
5. If the Coordinator decides that a case of malpractice has been established, no grade will be awarded in the subject(s) concerned. No credits will be awarded to the student in that subject, but credit will be awarded for other subject(s) in which no malpractice has occurred.
6. The Coordinator will communicate, in writing, disciplinary consequences to the student and his/her parents. This letter will be placed in the student’s file in the coordinator’s office but will not become a part of the student’s permanent academic record.
7. If a student is allowed to remain in the Program following a first incident of academic malpractice, a second incident of any type, on any assignment, at any time during the student’s enrollment in the Program, will result in the student’s dismissal from the Program.
If a student is discovered doing any of the aforementioned, he/she will receive a zero for that assignment/activity/presentation and course. Also, if a student is caught knowingly plagiarizing, parents will be contacted and disciplinary action will ensue. As your teacher, I reserve the right to notify parents of any academic dishonesty as warranted.
As a student in your class, I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for make-up and/or failure in the class as a whole. I understand that the purpose of this course is to help me develop skills necessary for college and a career.
Academic Honesty is considered in the broadest sense as the production of academic material without cheating, lying, stealing or the inappropriate help of others (collusion) or using any source of information not appropriately attributed (plagiarism).
Academic honesty means that one’s own work is authentic and not a reproduction of other people’s work or ideas. Plagiarism, collusion, duplication and falsification is defined in the following ways:
- Plagiarism: representing ideas or work of another person as one’s own.
- Collusion: allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted by another and/or releasing information about an assessment to another person.
- Duplication: presenting the same work in different assessments.
- Falsification: purchasing and/or submitting pieces of written work by someone else, misrepresenting actions, parent signature.
For this class, students strive to embody the characteristics ascribed by standards of integrity. This academic honesty policy was created around that attribute. In particular, I encourage my students to be:
- Principled – by acting with honesty, integrity and responsibility.
- Inquirers – by asking questions and developing the skills needed to conduct research.
- Communicators – by writing and speaking to inform others and crediting their sources properly.
All students should:
- Be honest in their school work and in all public interactions.
- Not cheat.
- Not allow others to copy their work.
- Use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper.
- Understand that plagiarism, collusion, duplication, falsification is an act of intellectual dishonesty.
- Use a method to cite or give credit when they use ideas and words that are not their own.
All teachers should:
- Model academic honesty.
- Provide clear guidelines and expectations for student work.
- Scaffold citing and giving credit to others' for their ideas in all content areas.
- Treat minor breaches of the academic honesty policy as “teachable moments” to support student ethical development.
Consequences of Academic Malpractice
I will inform the College Access Program Director and Coordinator if I suspect any malpractice in relation to a student's work. In such cases, an investigation will be conducted and provide the director and coordinator with relevant documentation concerning the case. If malpractice is suspected or the teacher has reason to believe that academic dishonesty has occurred, the following steps will be taken:
1. The teacher will communicate the outcome of his/her investigation to the Coordinator.
2. The student will receive no credit for the assignment in question and will be invited, through the Coordinator, to present a written explanation or defense. Then, disciplinary consequence will be enacted by the Coordinator.
3. Consequences for academic malpractice range from the student earning a zero on the work involved to immediate dismissal from the College Access Program, depending on the severity of the infraction.
4. After reviewing all evidence collected during the investigation, the Coordinator will decide whether to dismiss the allegation, uphold it, or ask for further investigation to be made. If the Coordinator deems evidence of malpractice insufficient, the allegation will be dismissed and a grade will be awarded in the normal way.
5. If the Coordinator decides that a case of malpractice has been established, no grade will be awarded in the subject(s) concerned. No credits will be awarded to the student in that subject, but credit will be awarded for other subject(s) in which no malpractice has occurred.
6. The Coordinator will communicate, in writing, disciplinary consequences to the student and his/her parents. This letter will be placed in the student’s file in the coordinator’s office but will not become a part of the student’s permanent academic record.
7. If a student is allowed to remain in the Program following a first incident of academic malpractice, a second incident of any type, on any assignment, at any time during the student’s enrollment in the Program, will result in the student’s dismissal from the Program.
If a student is discovered doing any of the aforementioned, he/she will receive a zero for that assignment/activity/presentation and course. Also, if a student is caught knowingly plagiarizing, parents will be contacted and disciplinary action will ensue. As your teacher, I reserve the right to notify parents of any academic dishonesty as warranted.
As a student in your class, I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for make-up and/or failure in the class as a whole. I understand that the purpose of this course is to help me develop skills necessary for college and a career.
Final Note to Students and Parents
Please make sure that you familiarize yourself with this syllabus and the rest of this Web site, especially your individual course syllabus.
To verify your acknowledgement of this syllabus and to get a grade for it, please complete the Acknowledgement and Agreement below by entering your contact information and the phrase: “I have read the syllabus and Academic Honesty Policy. I understand the goals and expectations of this course, my classroom and academic integrity. By completing this form, I am agreeing with and will adhere to the rules, processes, procedures, norms and expectations of our class, school and district as outlined above.”
To verify your acknowledgement of this syllabus and to get a grade for it, please complete the Acknowledgement and Agreement below by entering your contact information and the phrase: “I have read the syllabus and Academic Honesty Policy. I understand the goals and expectations of this course, my classroom and academic integrity. By completing this form, I am agreeing with and will adhere to the rules, processes, procedures, norms and expectations of our class, school and district as outlined above.”