Writing a Research Paper
What do I write about?!
If you're told to choose any topic that you want to write about but you have no clue what that is, the following tip could help.
Turn on some music and just write whatever comes to mind. Write on that topic for 10 minutes. You will not write about the song or anything related to the song (unless it's coincidence), you'll just write!
If you're told to choose any topic that you want to write about but you have no clue what that is, the following tip could help.
Turn on some music and just write whatever comes to mind. Write on that topic for 10 minutes. You will not write about the song or anything related to the song (unless it's coincidence), you'll just write!
Discover Your Research Topic
Once you have finished free writing, look at your paper and determine the main idea. Even if you wrote about something personal, a main idea is hiding in there, waiting to be discovered!
Example: If you wrote about your relationship with your grandmother, what is the overarching idea? Maybe it's "Why do grandmothers exist?" or "When do grandmothers in multi-generational homes trump mother's discipline?" "Are grandmothers becoming younger?" "When is it time for grandmother's to start dressing their age'?"
As you can see, there are a plethora of topics that can be researched about grandmothers!
Example #2: If you wrote about hating to wash dishes, seek out the overarching idea. Maybe in this case: "The role and responsibilities of teenagers living at home," or "How have dishwashers revolutionized kitchen cleaning?" There are so many angles you can take!
Example: If you wrote about your relationship with your grandmother, what is the overarching idea? Maybe it's "Why do grandmothers exist?" or "When do grandmothers in multi-generational homes trump mother's discipline?" "Are grandmothers becoming younger?" "When is it time for grandmother's to start dressing their age'?"
As you can see, there are a plethora of topics that can be researched about grandmothers!
Example #2: If you wrote about hating to wash dishes, seek out the overarching idea. Maybe in this case: "The role and responsibilities of teenagers living at home," or "How have dishwashers revolutionized kitchen cleaning?" There are so many angles you can take!
How to Formulate a Research Question
A Research Question is a statement that identifies the arguable topic to be analyzed. From the freewriting exercise and topic discovery lesson, formulate a question that you will use for the basis of your research paper. Follow these steps:
1. Choose a topic
2. Participate in a freewriting exercise
3. Identify your main idea (even if your free-writing is personal, look for the main idea and identify the overarching theme).
4. Formulate a researchable question by asking “How…” “What…” and “Why…” questions (You know, the 5 W's and H).
5. Make sure your research question allows you to discuss an arguable topic.
1) Is the research question something I/others care about?
2) Is it arguable?
3) Is the research question a new spin on an old idea? What gap does it fill?
4) Does it solve a problem?
5) Is it too broad or too narrow?
6) Is the research question researchable within the given time frame and location?
7) What information is needed?
From the example above about grandmothers, a good Research prompt could be: "Of what importance is the role of grandmothers in multi-generational homes?" or "What should the role of grandmothers be in multi-generational homes?"
1. Choose a topic
2. Participate in a freewriting exercise
3. Identify your main idea (even if your free-writing is personal, look for the main idea and identify the overarching theme).
4. Formulate a researchable question by asking “How…” “What…” and “Why…” questions (You know, the 5 W's and H).
5. Make sure your research question allows you to discuss an arguable topic.
1) Is the research question something I/others care about?
2) Is it arguable?
3) Is the research question a new spin on an old idea? What gap does it fill?
4) Does it solve a problem?
5) Is it too broad or too narrow?
6) Is the research question researchable within the given time frame and location?
7) What information is needed?
From the example above about grandmothers, a good Research prompt could be: "Of what importance is the role of grandmothers in multi-generational homes?" or "What should the role of grandmothers be in multi-generational homes?"
What do I write about?!
If you're told to choose any topic that you want to write about but you have no clue what that is, the following tip could help.
Turn on some music and just write whatever comes to mind. Write on that topic for 10 minutes. You will not write about the song or anything related to the song (unless it's coincidence), you'll just write!
If you're told to choose any topic that you want to write about but you have no clue what that is, the following tip could help.
Turn on some music and just write whatever comes to mind. Write on that topic for 10 minutes. You will not write about the song or anything related to the song (unless it's coincidence), you'll just write!
Writing a Thesis Statement
Formulating your thesis statement is the same as it is in your expository, literary or essay writing. Click on the Pre-writing and Outline tab for a review.
Slides to Help You Develop Your Research Topic and Question
Click here and use these Powerpoint slides as a guide for your Outline, In-text Citations and Works Cited Page. The Outline is also below.
Outline-Marked Up Version
I. Introduction (Hook, Commentary, Thesis)
II. Body Paragraph –Overview of how music impacted fashion in the 20s (3-5 sentences)
A. [Supporting] Music and Women’s Fashion since the 20s (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
B. [Supporting] Music and Men’s Fashion (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
C. [Supporting] Music Trendsetters (bands, artists, etc.) (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
III. Body Paragraph – Overview of how music impacts Social Consciousness (3-5 sentences)
A. [Supporting] Music and Women’s Rights (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
1. Aretha Franklin – Respect
2. Tupac Shakur – Keep Ya Head Up
B. Environmental Music (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
C. Music and War (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
IV. Body Paragraph – Overview of how music Reveals Judgements (3-5 sentences)
A. Race Music (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
B. Music about Treatment of Women (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
V. Continue your OUTLINE as needed….
VI. Real-world conclusion
II. Body Paragraph –Overview of how music impacted fashion in the 20s (3-5 sentences)
A. [Supporting] Music and Women’s Fashion since the 20s (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
B. [Supporting] Music and Men’s Fashion (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
C. [Supporting] Music Trendsetters (bands, artists, etc.) (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
III. Body Paragraph – Overview of how music impacts Social Consciousness (3-5 sentences)
A. [Supporting] Music and Women’s Rights (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
1. Aretha Franklin – Respect
2. Tupac Shakur – Keep Ya Head Up
B. Environmental Music (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
C. Music and War (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
IV. Body Paragraph – Overview of how music Reveals Judgements (3-5 sentences)
A. Race Music (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
B. Music about Treatment of Women (3-5 Evidence/Commentary)
V. Continue your OUTLINE as needed….
VI. Real-world conclusion
Outline-Clean Version
I. Introduction
II. Overview of how music impacted fashion in the 20s
A. Music and Women’s Fashion since the 20s
B. Music and Men’s Fashion
C. Music Trendsetters (bands, artists, etc.)
III. Overview of how music impacts Social Consciousness
A. Music and Women’s Rights
1. Aretha Franklin – Respect
2. Tupac Shakur – Keep Ya Head Up
B. Environmental Music
C. Music and War
IV. Overview of how music Reveals Judgements
A. Race Music
B. Music about Treatment of Women
V. Continue your OUTLINE as needed….
VI. Real-world conclusion
II. Overview of how music impacted fashion in the 20s
A. Music and Women’s Fashion since the 20s
B. Music and Men’s Fashion
C. Music Trendsetters (bands, artists, etc.)
III. Overview of how music impacts Social Consciousness
A. Music and Women’s Rights
1. Aretha Franklin – Respect
2. Tupac Shakur – Keep Ya Head Up
B. Environmental Music
C. Music and War
IV. Overview of how music Reveals Judgements
A. Race Music
B. Music about Treatment of Women
V. Continue your OUTLINE as needed….
VI. Real-world conclusion