STUDENTS: "In the event of my absence, you are to conduct yourselves with integrity, respect and discipline. Do not embarrass me, yourself, the substitute, the school, the district or your upbringing. You are to complete all assigned tasks the day I am out, assist and respect the sub and look after one another. After all, I don't give grades, I write down what you earn." ~ms. d
SUBSTITUTE: Hello, I hope all is balanced! Thank you for agreeing to guest teach my class today. Below, please find today's assignment. It is due by the end of the class period.
Emergency Plans
While I am out, you will read and complete the following tasks. Enjoy your day and make someone else's better!
1. Sign up for Remind here.
2. Take 15 minutes to update your Word Hoard with words from "Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space," by Brent Staples.
3. Article of the Day
Click this link and read the article. Then, in your Interactive Notebook:
-Write a summary of the article.
-Explain why this issue is important to our culture.
-What does it imply about our society?
-What does it imply about the state of education?
-How does it connect to you?
4. Grammar Challenge: M.U.G.S.
Click this link to independently complete the following within 15 minutes. We will check your answers when I return. Try to do it on your own without consulting your neighbor or technology.
5. Bell Ringer
Use the article by Brent Staples, "Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space," to respond to the following in your Interactive Notebook. It must be at least half a page.
Explain what Staples’s actions reveal about him, and what evidence from the text proves your point of view. Use complete sentences and include at least one metaphor in your explanation.
6. Class Work
Click this link to answer the questions.
1. Sign up for Remind here.
2. Take 15 minutes to update your Word Hoard with words from "Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space," by Brent Staples.
3. Article of the Day
Click this link and read the article. Then, in your Interactive Notebook:
-Write a summary of the article.
-Explain why this issue is important to our culture.
-What does it imply about our society?
-What does it imply about the state of education?
-How does it connect to you?
4. Grammar Challenge: M.U.G.S.
Click this link to independently complete the following within 15 minutes. We will check your answers when I return. Try to do it on your own without consulting your neighbor or technology.
5. Bell Ringer
Use the article by Brent Staples, "Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space," to respond to the following in your Interactive Notebook. It must be at least half a page.
Explain what Staples’s actions reveal about him, and what evidence from the text proves your point of view. Use complete sentences and include at least one metaphor in your explanation.
6. Class Work
Click this link to answer the questions.
7. When you have finished all of this work, start on Mixed Ink for this week.
DEADLINE: All the work is all due by the end of the class period, today. NO EXCEPTIONS. There are several grades packed into these assignments. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON.