Remind Codes
Make sure that you are signed up to receive Remind messages from me with updates, alerts, news, reminders and other important class information from me. Text the code above that is relevant to you, to 972-441-4003.
Coming Soon!
Flipgrid Codes
Make sure that you are connected on Flipgrid so that you can participate in class discussions. Go to and enter the Flip Code. Then, enter your personal ID. Your personal ID is your first initial, your last initial and your class period, no spaces. See example below:
Flip Code: englishfury
Personal ID:
KM1st (this means that Kaye Maples is in 1st period)
RP2nd (this means that Randall Pearson is in 2nd period)
JJ3rd (this means that Jonah Jones is in 3rd period)
Personal ID:
KM1st (this means that Kaye Maples is in 1st period)
RP2nd (this means that Randall Pearson is in 2nd period)
JJ3rd (this means that Jonah Jones is in 3rd period)
Google Classroom Codes and Password
Log into your student Gmail account. Then, use the code below to access your class.
AP Language (3070-01): gftsgpb
AP Research (3090-01): w7nes4i
English 11 (3042-01): 5uuzokt
English 11 (3042-02): 5bzpou4
English 12 (3061-01): h6zge7z
English 12 (3061-02): zrjixlr
AP Research (3090-01): w7nes4i
English 11 (3042-01): 5uuzokt
English 11 (3042-02): 5bzpou4
English 12 (3061-01): h6zge7z
English 12 (3061-02): zrjixlr
Go site seeing for resources, information and research!
In the meantime...
- Register: SAT/ACT/ASVAB
- Contact: Job/Career Recruiters
- Apply for college
- Apply for scholarships
- Complete the FAFSA
- Finalize Portfolios
- Draft Life Plans (Download S.M.A.R.T. Goals Planning Guide HERE.)
- Social Media Makeovers: Remove foul language, racy images or anything that can prevent you from obtaining employment and college status!